Topic on Talk:Jon Halifax

From Blaseball Wiki

Sure, I can do that!

Pretty clearly is the overt hyperlinks to various Dark Seattle pages; in addition to that, the following bits are pretty embedded/are allusions to Dark Seattle lore specifically, as far as I can tell:

- "hand-knit orange arm warmers that cover his forearms from wrist to elbow. (that he is rarely seen without)" The Dark Seattle Corporates all have arrows in this area to identify them that are what the warmers are assumedly hiding. I believe that their eyes also have something with them, but I'm not sure, so I didn't pick that out.

- Both bits about the Sun & Sun 2 (but specifically "Halifax has been known to glare up at the [Sun 2] as if it has personally insulted him. When asked if this is “a [HELIOLATRY] thing” Halifax responded “No???....A what??”") are references to the sun in Dark Seattle having an arrow through it and not having been destroyed.

- "Halifax is also known to scowl and grumble whenever [Garages] music is playing. When asked why he doesn’t like the Garages, he replied: “Who??”" This is a reference to the fact that the Seattle Garages are the Dark Seattle Corporates in the Dark Seattle universe. I also remember something along the lines of that the Garages' music was a part of their barricade of some kind against the Corporations, which failed.

- "Halifax has blue blood. You know, like a normal horseshoe crab. No other reason." This, like the arm warmers thing, is a reference to the fact that the Dark Seattle Corporates have "Synergy" blood, which is blue.

I feel like I need to state again that I am made most uncomfortable by the fact that the Dark Seattle content was not stated at all in the Talk Page summary; this in addition to the fact that Dark Seattle has a lot of content that goes beyond the content warnings scope of Blaseball, and the fact that it was not brought up in the Crabitat at all.