Topic on Talk:Jenkins Good

From Blaseball Wiki

Lore Month Consolidation

Spiral Joe (talkcontribs)

Time with the Moist Talkers

Good is a reserved and enigmatic individual, with their general distaste towards being interviewed often making obtaining details of their personal life difficult. Aside from their pitching ability, Good is also well known for their extreme competency with multiple genres of video games. In addition to their mastery over Major League Blaseball they have competed and won multiple ELVO fighting game tournaments during Blaseball various siestas. They are particularly known for ELVO moment #73, wherein they perfectly blocked over █████ of their opponents moves over a 9 hour period, eventually winning the match due to their opponent collapsing from fatigue. Despite this they rarely have the opportunity to flex their skills amongst the rest of the Moist Talkers, except for the occasional match of Dancing Dancer’s Revival League (DDRL) with Jesús Koch.

Despite there being little evidence of these acts Good has been known to have an unique perspective on the culinary arts. Teammates Jesus Koch and Commissioner Vapour both claim to be “cooking buddies” with Good and have on multiple occasions created dishes ranging from inoffensively bland to ████████. In an interview with the Halifax Gazette teammate Lachlan Shelton was quoted saying “I don’t know how the things Jenkins creates end up like that. They follow the recipes more meticulously than I do and yet…” After this question Shelton trailed off and was seen staring at the ceiling for several minutes before recovering to finish the interview.

Good is also often seen along with teammate Greer Lott who on multiple occasions has called Good their “partner in crimes”. Despite being sighted in the vicinity of multiple of Lott’s schemes Good’s participation in any of them has never been conclusively proven. On ████ █████ Good was seen carrying an injured Lott away from a burning building as the partially singed Lott repeatedly exclaimed “...And that is what you get!”. Additionally, when riding the team bus Good and Lott often sit together, resulting in Lott falling asleep subsequently leaning on Good for several hours.

Trivia Commissioner Vapor maintains a one-sided rivalry with Good in regards to the game Flortnite. Vapor claims they have a superior ranking, however it was discovered this is due to Good being banned from the game for multiple seasons after allowing Greer Lott access to their open mic while playing.

Good is well known enough in professional gaming circles that multiple developers have asked them to test their projects. It is speculated the character Slans Undeltale is an homage to Good for this reason.

Good has been known to eat whole packets of powdered flavouring. When it comes to Klaft Macaroni and Cheese, Good often eats the flavour packet and teammate Greer Lott eats the uncooked noodles.

Good is known to spike their coffee mugs into the ground before games. They say it is accidental, but the Moist Talkers have put aside a portion of the budget just for replacing these mugs.

Good is a known fan of pun based humour.