Topic on Talk:Fenry Marlow

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ChloeMcButts (talkcontribs)

Please post lore ideas for Fenry Marlowe here for easy cataloguing

Obelisk (talkcontribs)

Lorejam concepts that gelled and received solid support on March 15, 2021:

-Gender fluid, or as he might say, “Whatever pronouns you’re vibin’ with”

-Heavy set fella

-Visually 50-60 years old, but no one knows their real age

-Time traveller? Really seems to have been present for a lot of historical events but like, details often aren’t correct (or sometimes unfalsifiable) when they tell stories...

-Fenry was the First Friday, meaning he was the first person to get put into Forever Friday by Our Lady of Perpetual Friday

-Wheelchair user

-Native Hawaiian

-Incorporate driftwood in some way (bc “Marlow” is Old English for driftwood) — currently Fenry’s dog (see below) carries a favorite piece of driftwood, among other ideas


Fenry’s Hawaiian poi dog companion, one of an extinct species of dog native to Hawai’i that was probably given to Fenry as a gift by Our Lady in the 19th century before they went extinct. Fenry often refers to Homer as “Old Man” despite the fact that neither of their exact ages is known. Homer’s name comes from his love of chasing down home run balls, which Fenry pitches somewhat often because he likes to play fetch with his best pal. This informs our cheer “HOMER! FETCH!” whenever an opposing batter hits a home run on Fenry.

Malice-amidst (talkcontribs)

Sometimes, Fenry is depicted with driftwood as a part of their body, including part of their head, over their fore arms, and on the back of their calves. How Fenry ended up this way is unknown, but some speculate Our Lady of Perpetual Fridays is involved, as Fenry seems to have a close bond with her. In addition, connections have been drawn between Fenry's connection to driftwood and time travelling, drifting through time much like driftwood through the ocean.

Suncrush (talkcontribs)

Comments on the time traveler background: Because Marlow in fanonically Native Hawaiian, the time traveler story reads a bit culturally problematically.

In Polynesian cultures, mana is heritable. This can manifest itself as people claiming the DEEDS of their kin. From a Polynesian perspective, Fenry's stories about the founding of the Fridays and other things in the "distant past" could easily be explained as him telling stories of deeds done by uncles, aunts or grandparents, but that are now his.

That makes the jump to him being a time traveler and the bit about his teammates being skeptical or true believers come across as potentially colonialist and lacking knowledge of the Polynesian style of storytelling and relating history.

I propose the following changes: After "speculation from the Fridays that Marlow could be a time traveller" add "Some on the team believe it more likely that Marlow is a gifted raconteur in the Polynesian tradition. Marlow is ever coy when asked directly about the truth."

Edit "Opinions differ widely, with Juice Collins the most vocal skeptic and Jacob Winner an absolute believer, always rapt with Marlow's recollections." to "Opinions differ widely, with Juice Collins strongly preferring the storyteller explanation, with Jacob Winner being a true believer in the time travel theory."

I think this ambiguity is more culturally sensitive, allowing for Fenry to be expressing his native culture, without inadvertently insinuating that a Native Hawaiian couldn't be a time traveler. It also leads open to speculation whether Homer is truly from the deep past, or a magical manifestation of Fenry's mana.