Topic on Talk:Jacoby Podcast

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First pass for Jacoby Podcast

Summary by UnabashedlyRose


UnabashedlyRose (talkcontribs)

For our dearly beloved Jacoby, here's what we're thinking so far.

Full page IRM install, with 3 rumours to start off with, here are the basic outlines, and I will post the full articles when they are all done and written.

1) Jacoby came with the Crabs and learned to be a Real Human from old signals that were sent to space. They understand things to certain degree, but still often mix up human customs, like thinking "podcast" was a good last name to pick. As part of what they want on earth they have decided that they want to be Non-binary, Jewish, and a blaseball player. Goofy, sometimes doesn't understand when they're doing the wrong thing.

2) Jacoby is a ghost in the machine, a tape recorder brought to life by the loving use of an old college radio crew, as well as several dips in the bay. Her physical form is only rumoured, and she pitches by simply taking over the clawmentary for the game and announcing it. Enthusiastic, and hopes to one day make a physical form that looks human, though she may come to peace with how she is now instead.

3) Jacoby is a local splorts clawmentator who worked alongside Vlin Scuttley in college, and held down the fort in Baltimore when the Crabs went Up. Older, rebellious, grew up around here.

UnabashedlyRose (talkcontribs)
UnabashedlyRose (talkcontribs)

And I've added another IRM here for Jacoby Pod-cast, a cast off worker for the Shelled One who's looking for a way to get back at all gods, or maybe just find a new one to hang out with. additional text is included in the document above.