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Revision as of 19:09, 27 November 2021


This show began as a series of plays written by Spears Rogers and were acted as a series of road shows by the Jazz Hands, it was then developed into an Animated Series by Jazz Hands Fans, but because it is a road show no one has seen all of the content, and some have only seen one or two of said road shows. Also as the nature of this having been a stage play, the practical effect of transformation was done by the actors. To separate and keep the illusion of the ""Work and Magical girl"" balance, all players are in their animal forms normally, and transform to humanoid forms to do magical girl parts.

Episode synopses
Episode Title Episode Synopsis Additional Notes
"The Pond's Chorus ~ Welcome to


"First episode. Chorby gets her new job at the library. Edric shows Chorby around Breckenridge. Chorby accepts the power of Heart, then Spears uses hys spines to super charge a customer going through a breakup. This turns them into Heartbreak, who terrorizes the library's patrons."
"Diamonds are Forever ~ Hello Zippy!" "Zippy gets their first speaking role. Zippy is introduced to Chorby, and they get along well. Zippy, tells Chorby about the monster attacks happening around Breckenridge. This is correlated to Zippy feeling like they cannot help. Zippy talks about how cool the magical girl that saved the day yesterday was, and wishes they could help like that. When the time comes, Zippy accepts the power of Diamond, and joins the team."
"A Case of The Mondays ~ The Dreaded

Myster Rogers!"

"Exploring more of the work dynamic. Spears yells at Chorby for being slow. We see this is a manifestation of hys plans being ruined by the new magical girl, and the anger is seeping into hys facade. This episode focuses on hys perspective and hints at hys motivations. They can range from world domination, bringing Alex back, whatever. The writers have not decided and will panic to wrap it all up before the end of the series. in this episode Spears uses hys spines to supercharge a vacuum. It is called ""Life Sucks"", and can suck up the emotions of people. Chorby learns her signature final move spell, Ribblast."
"Food for Thought ~ A Fly-tasrophe!" "An oddly generic episode that is actually a redo of the pilot. Chorby is recapping the premise of the show in the form of a diary. She works at a library, no one knows her secret, not even her best friend Zippy. Spears conjurers up ""The Lord of the Flies", a large fly aiming to get revenge against frogs. The conflict is basically resolved by Chorby saying "But I am not a frog" in human form, to which the fly essentially says ""Oh yeah you right"" and leaves. Chorby ends the episode with saying she could get used to this."
"Quack Attack ~ Friend of Foe?" "This episode starts with Chorby getting some minor praise from a library patron. Chorby is really happy about it, but then hears droves of people going crazy over someone. She turns to see Quack Enjoyable, surrounded by a crowd of patrons, all praising him for his cuteness, politeness, and efficiency. Chorby is wowed, and when the crowd clears, Chorby approaches Quack. Quack dismisses Chorby as a fan. Chorby persists, and tries to make nice with Quack, which they are seemingly receptive to. However once Chorby leaves the shot, Quack shoots Chorby a look, before retreating into the dark. Later, instead of a monster attack, Chorby defends the library from a power of Spades wielding duckboy. After being wounded and retreating, we see the duckboy transform back into Quack, who seems angrier than before."
"Ground Outs and Bouts ~ The Life of Edric!" "Edric shows up to the library to check in on Chorby. Edric tries to get a bunch of patrons to check out his stream, which embarrasses Chorby, who calls him cringe. Edric feeling dejected for being laughed at and then berated by Chorby retreats in the library. Spears appears and uses hys spines to corrupt Edric's anger, turning him into ""The Gamer"" who traps Zippy and Chorby in a video game dimension. It is very questionable if the person who wrote this episode has ever played a video game. Chorby learns her lesson about cringe, and there is nothing wrong with people being passionate about things."
"Sea You Later ~ Chark a Course!" "The episode begins with Spears working at the front desk, when he is approached by an applicant for the library, wanting a job. We see Spears flinch in fear as hy looks at the figure. We then cut to Chorby and Zippy slacking off on work. Intense music begins to play as suddenly we see a shark fin sticking out of the carpeting. Chorby and Zippy look at it for a second before it begins to chase them. Hijinks and skateboard tricks ensue as they try and escape the library shark. When they are cornered, Chorby thinks about revealing her secret identity to Zippy to protect them, but at that moment the shark pops out and reveals Siobhan was just looking to introduce herself as their newest coworker. When the monster of the week appears, Siobhan transforms in front of Chorby and Zippy who have to watch as Siobhan fight ""Great White"" a paper monster made after Spears had seen Siobhan. Siobhan has no ""suit"" yet, and can just transform. She uses a trident to fight in this scene." "Siobhan has actually been in the background of every episode, looking at Zippy and Chorby from the shadows."
"You're History! ~ A Walking Kane" "Chorby accidentally spills Frog Juice on a paper she was reading. Spears enters, and complains about a customer who returned a book with water damage and those who do it deserve to die. Chorby, in a panic to rewrite the paper, asks Edric to help. Edric points Chorby in the direction of Mikan Hammer, the oldest person Edric knows. However, Chorby has difficulties communicating with the voiceless Mikan, and is in trouble until Mikan's girlfriend, Lancelot enters. Lancelot talks a lot about the topic of the paper, a prophecy originating in Camelot. Four heroes of Four Elements would one day appear to beat back the darkness and save the world from an unknown evil. Lancelot's retelling however, is scattered and it causes Chorby to doubt Lancelot's accuracy. That is until ""Moist Talker"", a large white sphere that shoots spit appears to terrorize Breckenridge. Chorby is unable to defeat it, but Lancelot Kane's fighting prowess cannot be denied. Chorby changes back in secret, and finishes the rewriting of the paper. Just as she is returning it to the library, Spears catches her. Spears reads it, and can tell right away what has happened. Expecting him to be mad, Spears is surprised when Spears credits her writing, and states it will make a fine replacement. Spears states that the drive to learn is one of the reasons he runs this place, and Chorby should never lose sight of that." "Zippy does not make an appearance this episode. This is a reference to Zippy having a cold and missing out on the performance.

Lancelot Kane causes a lot of tension with the fandom. Lancelot Kane (Animated) is considered too well acted in the show, as opposed to the real Lancelot playing herself. Some fans think Lancelot should be poorly acted in the show, while others think that the point of the show is to communicate the INTENTION behind the road show, and improve it."

"Cold and Empty ~ Lightner, CO" "While Chorby and Quack are placing books back on shelves, the two fall into a Plot Hole, falling deep into the pit the library is a part of. The two of them begin to try and navigate their way out. Chorby is surprised to see Quack losing his cool, and she starts to wonder if Quack actually likes her at all, as he gets increasingly bitter the more and more their escape attempts fail and fail. After following a Pit Cat, the two are beset upon by Pit Fiends, the beasts that lurk in the darkness of the pit. The two get increasingly close to transforming to protect themselves, but eventually run into Zippy, who reveals he lives down here. This is when Zippy reveals he used to deliver papers to Lightner, CO but had to find a new job when all of the inhabitants mysteriously disappeared except for him. This is how he ended up at the library. The three make their escape, passing by a large lake lit by candelabras."
"To Revolutionize The World ~ The Punchline" "This episode begins mid-fight with a monster known as ""Fisti-Cuffs"" a Spears created monster consisting of a face and 30 floating gloved hands. Those hit by its attacks are bound by handcuffs. Siobhan is fighting the creature when Zippy and Chorby arrive. They attempt to talk to Siobhan to working together, but Siobhan is dismissive of them, saying children should stay behind them. Just as Zippy is about to comment on how Siobhan doesn't look that old, the three are defeated. Just then, a human arrives. The monster looks to him but looks away assuming nothing of him. However the human gives a solid punch to the monster, making it run away, freeing the civilians and the heroes before leaving. Siobhan tracks down the human to reveal he is living isolated in the pit. His name is Elii Valenzuela, and he rebuffs Siobhan trying to talk to him, stating he wants to be alone. Siobhan demands to be taught how to punch like that, but Elii refuses stating that this knowledge is only going to hurt more people than it could save. Fisti-Cuffs returns to terroize Breckenridge, and Siobhan calls out Elii on how by being passive he can never change the pain that people go through, but before Elii can counter her argument, he has a flashback of his failure in Hawai'i. He simply dismisses Siobhan, and goes back to stewing. Siobhan rushes to fight Fisti-Cuffs, tossing aside her trident. When she decides to keep fighting to protect people, she gains the power of Clubs, and a magical girl uniform to boot. Zippy and Chorby approach her after the fight, and she is initiated into the Pond Squad." "In Elii's flashback, we see a little bit of lace, hinting at him having been a magical person during the revolution."
"Team Together! ~ Stay Together!" "After finally having our main core of 3, the team gets off to a rocky start with their team building. Zippy and Chorby worked well together, but Siobhan isn't so good at communicating, this results in a flubbed mission. They just barely are able to defeat the Ori-Oni, a paper demon made by Spears. At work the next day, Chorby is having difficulties balancing her frustration with Siobhan, since Siobhan does not know Chorby's secret identity. When Siobhan is trying to communicate during work, Chorby snaps at Siobhan for reasons Siobhan doesn't understand. Before Chorby can apologize, there is a monster attack, Ori-Oni returning. While Siobhan is fighting, Chorby runs to transform. When returning to the fight, Siobhan quickly runs off. Chorby has difficulties balancing following her and fending off the monster. When Chorby finally asks why Siobhan is running, Siobhan states she is looking for her friend Chorby, and she thinks she has upset her and needs to make sure she is safe. Chorby gets misty eyed as she realizes how she hasn't been the kindest to Siobhan, and the two defeat Ori-Oni. Chorby pleads to help Siobhan look for her friend. Which is her. The two walk and talk, Siobhan apologizes that she has been hard to work with. Communicating is not her strong point.. She isn't used to her ideas being listened to, so she tends to clam up. Before Chorby can ask why, the team runs into turtle Zippy, who says he hasn't seen Chorby. Chorby suggests to Siobhan that they split up to look for her, which she uses as a way to transform back alone. Before she can even give the ""Oh got so scared monsters ahh"" speech to Siobhan, Siobhan picks her up in a hug and apologizes. Chorby states that it is her who should be apologizing, and the two leave the library together, after Siobhan changes back." "The original airing of this episode feature the real incantation for Spears creating Ori-Oni. After several kids created their own, causing panic at several elementary schools worldwide, the episode was edited to not include real papermancy as a reference."
"Yakity Yak ~ Don't Talk Quack!" "In preparation for a rock concert that Quack intends on attending, he is saving his voice. He needs to be ready to scream. Seeing Quack be very quiet, Chorby and Zippy begin playing pranks on him trying to get him to talk, causing him to lose his cool and shout at them. We see Quack storm off transforming into his humanoid form, where he is approached by Spears. This is when it is revealed that they work together as Spears instructs Quack to accompany his newest monster, ScreamO, Riley Firewall to defeat the Pond Squad. Quack obliges, but is also very quiet during the confrontation with the Pond Squad. This causes the monster not to hear one of Quack's orders, resulting in a win for the Pond Squad. Quack is crying at work the next day, and is surprised when Zippy and Chorby show up with hot lemon tea. They apologize to Quack, stating they didn't appreciate Quack's desire to conserve his voice, and though it was silly to them it isn't to Quack. Quack, not used to genuine affection, is off put, and not sure how to react. We cut to Quack at a 1763 Degrees concert, screaming his beak off."
"The Legume (Part 1)" "The episode begins with the introduction of Wyatt Pothos, worldwide famous sapphic splorts player. Posters of her holding books have been in the background of the show up until now. Pothos hits it off with the pond squad, loving their energy. She says she'll go skating with Zippy later, and exchanges her phone number with him. Chorby shows up, having never skated. Chorby is overly prepared, with comically thick kneepads and helmet. There are a few scenes of them goofing around at the skatepark, but as they progress it is getting darker. Pothos still hasn't arrived. The two become disappointed, when the entire city itself begins to shake. The two quickly make excuses to split up and transform, as they approach the monster. A large peanut shell covered in cracks. Long inky black legs seep out of it, and drag the shell along the ground. As they fight it, it appears capable of creating more legs, causing it to be too strong for the duo. It lets out a horrible roar, as peanuts begin falling from the sky, several of the civilians getting captured in large shells and dragged into the Legume, which unhinges a massive jaw to devour them. Siobhan arrives, but even then the trio isn't strong enough. With the three lying defeated on the ground, and the monster approaching, the episode ends." "This is the season 1 mid finale"
"The Legume (Part 2)" "The Pond Squad is surprised when they are saved by paper monsters. The gang makes a tactical retreat where they run into Plot Point, Spears' villain alter-ego. Plot introduces hymself as the mastermind behind all the other attacks and that this THING is not hys. It is wanton in destruction, where he has a greater purpose. Point tells Quack to assist the Pond Squad, which he objects to, but Point demands it. The team of four magical people fight the monster, that Point calls ""The Legume"". It is revealed, that when Chorby and Quack's attacks align, their power is increased ten-fold. The four of them are able to blow back the monster. The shadowy inside of the shell leaves in a puff of smoke as the team surveys the damage. Those taken by the Legume do not return. Chorby thanks Quack, but Quack assures her things will be back to normal tomorrow, and they will NEVER work together again before storming off. Quack approaches Spears, who seems overjoyed, stating that his theories were correct, and Quack is intended for greatness he did not yet understand. The Pond Squad see Pothos at the library the following day, looking pale. They ask where she was for skateboarding, but she quickly said the monster attack had her occupied. Chorby and Zippy trade comments about how ugly and horrifying that monster was, which seems to unnerve Pothos. The episode ends with Pothos scratching at her neck, a bit of peanut shell flaking off." "This episode won an Emmy for 'This Should Not Be Shown to Kids'."
"Talking in Spades - A Quack Theory!" "Starting in the depths of Spears' secret layer, Quack asks questions about what Spears meant about hys theories. Spears says hy is not ready to reveal everything, but hy does shed some light on Quack's powers. The power of Spades represents the self. It is an element that is fueled by Quack's focus on himself. Through self focus and conflict Quack is able to charge up immense and powerful energy that can be used to fuel his magic. But there is a hidden power that up until now had been useless to Quack. Spears informs Quack that as the element of ""Self"" he is able to take the elements from other people. While any person has the ability to call upon magic using these elements, very rarely are people inclined to the power at all. Even less so are they so focused in one element like the Pond Squad or Quack. So, Spears gives Quack a lesson in taking elements from people, so he can power himself up in fights against the Pond Squad. Hy then sends Quack out to do this in the hopes of attracting Chorby. Their powers combined, as seen in the last episode, are too powerful to let go to waste. However, after draining a few civilians of their elements in the streets of Breckenridge, Quack is unable to control the other elements within him. By the time Chorby arrives, Quack is already fainted. The elements fly out of Quack, and back to their owners, restoring them to normal. When Quack returns to Spears' layer, he is dejected, and Spears' snide comments do not help. Quack storms off, as Spears grins, seeing the power welling up in Quack due to his struggle. "This episode features a lot of talking due to a lack of budget after the Legume episodes."
"Small Baby ~ BIG Problems!" "Chorby gets a message from Edric, stating a friend of his needs some help. It turns out to be Lancelot Kane, who runs a babysitting service in town. Lancelot needs to head out of town with Mikan to attend ""Swordsbian Con 20XX"", where Mikan will be running a booth in the dealer's market. Chorby asks to attend, but Edric informs her that Chorby agreed to help with Lancelot's charge. Chorby, annoyed, is shown to the Doyle residence. Lancelot states that the parents are never home, but pizza money WILL materialize on the counter for Chorby. When Chorby meets the Baby Doyle, she is enamored with their cuteness. Lancelot tells Chorby a bunch of things about taking care of the Baby Doyle, but Chorby is too distracted by the Baby Doyle's cuteness. When Lancelot and Mikan head off, Edric tells Chorby to call him if she needs anything. Chorby brushes Edric off, stating that she has fought far harder demons than a child. As Edric is asking Chorby if that is literal she slams the door in his face and turns to coo the Baby Doyle. However the Baby Doyle turns out to be a big surprise, as his excitement reveals glowing green eyes. Suddenly Chorby finds herself spinning in the air and being tossed about the room by the Baby Doyle's psychic abilities. Several scenes play out of Chorby attempting to take care of the Baby Doyle, but Baby just destroys everything with bad JPEG explosions. Chorby even transforms in an attempt to use her powers to control Baby, but this doesn't work either. We then cut to Edric, mid stream. He gets a phone call from a crying Chorby, and quickly rushes over to see her. When he sees the state the room is in, he seems unphased. Edric sings a specific song, that seems to calm Baby stating that Lancelot SHOULD have left that song on a recording somewhere by the kitchen counter. Chorby admits she wasn't listening, and she ruined everything in the house. Then just as everything had been destroyed, everything turns back to complete normal, as 20 dollars appear on the counter. Edric and Chorby have a talk about making mistakes, asking for help, and remembering to listen to the armor wielding babysitter while eating pizza." "Baby Doyle is the only character voiced by themselves."
"No Secret ~ No Life!" "Chorby has now been the magical girl hero of Breckenridge for a few months now, and is feeling pleased with herself at work. However sometimes she wishes she had someone she could tell about who she is. Her first thoughts went to Edric. He helped her get used to Breckenridge... But he was too normal to be a magical girl's assistant. Quack? No they didn't know each other well enough. Just as she is thinking about this, Spears interupts her train of thought to yell at her for slacking off. To make sure she does it right, Spears says hy will be shadowing her all day. Just then, Quack begins causing chaos in the library. Spears insists that this is not an excuse for her to not finish her job as Quack begins powering up from patrons. Zippy and Siobhan appear on the scene but seem to have difficulties without Chorby. Quack, slightly more used to his new powers, begins destroying things in the library which begins to anger Spears. However, Spears knows Quack would stand down if hy told him to stop, and hy can't draw suspicion onto hymself by doing so. So both Chorby and Spears watch on in horror as neither of them can stop the destruction without revealing their identity to each other. Zippy is knocked through a bookcase, landing right next to Chorby. When Zippy laments about what their leader would say in a situation like this, Chorby hops over to them and begins cheering them on. Zippy, seeing their friend so close to the danger, feels newfound resolve, and is able to stop Quack in his tracks. When the fight is over, Zippy tells Spears and Chorby they should not be so close to the fighting next time, and thanks Chorby. They state that Chorby really reminds them of the Pond Squad leader, and tells her she would make a great hero, before running away to transform. The final scene is Spears sitting in a chair with a cross look while Chorby, Quack, Siobhan, and Zippy all put the library back together." "Chorby begins her transformation sequence, but interrupts it when she realizes Spears is RIGHT there staring at her. There is a record scratch after the music starts for a few seconds."
"Steals the Show ~ Your Chark is worse than

Your Bite!"

"Chorby is strolling along happily with four ice creams to share with Siobhan, Quack, and Zippy. She levitates them with enthusiasm as she suddenly runs into Siobhan early. Siobhan takes all four ice creams and eats them in one bite, before laughing at Chorby's tears. She then punts her into a trash can a few aisles down. Chorby laments not always seeing eye to eye with Siobhan, but that felt mean, which Siobhan was not. Puffing up in anger, Chorby chases after Siobhan, just to see her breaking

Zippy's skateboard in half. Chorby comforts a crying Zippy, telling Siobhan to knock it off. Siobhan laughs again punting both of them. Chorby lands in the same trash can, and the camera zooms slightly to see a second trash can inches from it that Zippy lands in. This repeats again for Quack, who has his favorite 1763 CD snapped by Siobhan. Even Spears gets punted when Siobhan takes hys favorite pen. Just before Siobhan can eat the pen, Siobhan runs into Siobhan. The Pond Squad and Spears appear, and are surprised by the two Siobhans. They both look confused between them, when the Siobhan with Spears' pen presses on it, squirting ink into the second Siobhan's face. You drops the pen (which Spears dives to catch), and laughing as you flies away. The ink-covered Siobhan reveals that the other Siobhan is her alternate reality twin/clone/sister, Steals Chark. The team all go after her, but Siobhan hangs back, unsure if she can face Steals. The gang gets clowned on. Steals taunts Siobhan in your fake accent, and leaves. When Chorby tries to comfort Siobhan, she runs off to be somewhere alone. Deep in the pit we see Siobhan curled up in her magical girl form, hoping to find the courage in a transformation that does not come. She never has been able to stand up to Steals, and what has changed? This is when she is approached by Elii, who could hear her talking to herself. Elii initially turns to leave her alone, but turns back, stating that nothing is going to change if she stays down here wailing. Siobhan thinks on this, and back on her first argument with Elii. We cut back to Spears, desperately jumping to try and grab a potted flower from Steals, when Siobhan arrives. The two fight, but in the scuffle, Steals somehow has completely mimicked Siobhan's appearance. (You shouts that it is Underwater Camouflage!). The clone stand off happens, but Steals is actually very bad at pretending to be Siobhan, which you get offended about, allowing for a moment for Siobhan to punt Steals into a garbage can. Spears cries as the flower pot is shattered on the ground, ending the episode."

Steals would eat a pen.
"The Lake in the Pit ~ It's Lit!" "A Halloween themed episode, the episode begins with Chorby telling Zippy of a meandering ghost cowboy, who sneaks up on people and drags them to his death pasture with a lasso. Zippy and Quack seem very scared, but Siobhan says she has seen far worse things in the depths of the ocean. Siobhan gets 30 seconds into a story before Chorby, Zippy and Quack all scream in fear. The topic of where Siobhan is from gets brought up. Siobhan talks about Atlantis, her hometown, and talks fondly of aquatic life, but had to leave due to an incident. Quack makes a snide comment about Siobhan's face being the incident, but Zippy sneaks up behind him and yells "YEEEEEHAWWWW" which causes Quack to jump. Chorby thinks for a bit and then mentions seeing the lake in the pit. Maybe they could go relax there? Quack dismisses it, calling the pit dangerous, to which Chorby and Zippy egg him on about being chicken (Quack does not take this well.) The group all heads to the lake, with Zippy stopping the group, claiming to hear the sounds of hoofbeats, just to laugh at Quack's reactions. The team begins to swim in the lake, as Siobhan explores the depths. Siobhan seems quite happy, because while she can swim through solid matter, nothing feels as good as big open water. However, after a bit, Siobhan rushes to the surface, clearly afraid. She transforms into her magical girl form, and begins protecting the group from pit fiends. The fiends however, seem to be mimicking the fears of the group, taking on the form of fish horror cowboys. The episode progresses with the team being chased into Lightner, CO, being picked off one by one, Quack, then Zippy, then Siobhan. As Chorby retreats into a building, she turns to her attackers, ready to transform. However she turns to see her attacker has changed to be her magical girl form, but twisted with more frog like features. Assuming this is her own fear, Chorby is paralyzed with herself, analyzing what it means, before she sees behind the fiend is magical boy Quack pointing his wand at the monster hands shaking. She then realizes the clone of herself also has a cowboy hat, and is an mixture of Quack's fears to her confusion. Quack blasts it before it gets to Chorby. Chorby questions why he would save her, as he was a villain. Quack gives Chorby a cold 'Target practice' before flying away. Chorby wonders about why Magical boy Quack would have the same fear as Quack, but she shrugs it off as he must know the same story. Chorby hops out of her hiding place to find Zippy, and Siobhan unharmed, and explains to Siobhan what happened. Siobhan tells them to leave the pit, and she will find Quack. The two begin to make a retreat when we cut to Quack, watching them from an abandoned bell tower. He is suddenly approached by a figure who thanks him for doing the right thing and saving that there lassy and her friends. Quack screams in horror at this figure, the cowboy ghost of Bauer Zimmerman, ending the episode." This episode has not aired since it's original release date.
"Hearts in Parts ~ Frog in your Throat!" "It's the Breckenridge Talent Show! Spears has demanded that the team do a show for it, to get some publicity for the library. Spears writes a melodramatic story about a poor girl who unlocks dark secrets and drowns the world in eternal night. Chorby scores the main role (there were no try outs), and is suddenly thrust into the world of theater. Turns out? Chorby isn't very good at singing. Siobhan however can't project to save her life, and Spears refuses to let Zippy play anything but Grass. When Chorby asks why can't Quack do it, Spears makes up excuses for hys precious precious Quack. Chorby begins to look into ways to cheat having a voice. Looking through magic tomes, Chorby stumbles upon one about ""The Four Elements."" Reading through it, she finds herself attracted to a section on Heart magic. It appears masters of heart magic are able to push their power onto other people. Traditionally, this is used to empower others, and the more the wielder of magic is able to gather support from others the more energy they can create. Chorby then comes up with the brilliant idea of instead of making herself good at singing, why not just make the crowd like her singing? No harm in that right? While she is practicing this magic, Zippy comments that she SHOULD be practicing singing for the play instead, citing skateboarding as something they failed at again and again until they got it right. Chorby dismisses this, as she is much better at magic and why specializes in something else now? However during the show, Chorby's spell turns out to be TOO efficient, resulting in the crowd becoming obsessed with her singing. As the crowd descends upon her, Chorby is whisked away by Spears, who chastizes her for being so careless with magic, let alone heart magic. Spears cites it as the most dangerous element of them all, and demands to know why Chorby can even cast such a powerful heart spell. Chorby is unable to explain, much to Spears' annoyance. Hy states that the spell can be broken, but hy needs Chorby's help. The two fight their way to the sound booth of the Pocket, where Spears hands Chorby a microphone and demands she sings. Chorby hesitates, wondering if this will make it worse as Spears is overwhelmed by fans. Chorby screams into the microphone so loud, it creates feedback in the stadium, which seems to break the spell. Chorby drops the microphone and rushes to pull Spears out of the fans. When Chorby asks Spears why hy was immune to her spell in the first place, hy states that heart magic seeks to overwhelm the other elements naturally in a person. Spears' balance is so out of whack, that Chorby could only hope to affect him if she used the entire crowd's worth of heart magic. The episode ends with the team losing the talent show for cheating." "Zippy, Quack, and Siobhan were not affected either. Fans continue to question what the happened to them this episode."
"I'm in the Kitchen ~ Yams Everywhere!" "Chorby is returning books to a shelf when Spears enters the room and pitches to hys employees Yams Rosenthal, a 2 foot tall yam with googly eyes to be the new mascot of the library. Zippy asks why it is a yam, but Spears says that it was all they had at the mascot shop. Yams turns out to be a big hit, with people coming to the library to see Yams and take pictures. Much to everyone's surprise, after enough people ooh and ahh at Yams, a SECOND Yams appears. The team names this one Yams Sokol, which proves an equal hit. Not before too long, suddenly the library is overrun with Yamses! Their cute aura too adorable to resist. Chorby attempts to find a place to transform, but fans of Yams are everywhere, and she swears she feels eyes on her everywhere. After minutes of searching for a safe place to hide, Chorby is surprised to find a frog shaped Yams, which she places her hat on and runs off screen. We see Spears emerge from behind a bookcase, and look at the Frog Yams. The sound of magical girl transformations in the background divert his attention, and hy looks back to the Frog Yams before rushing off to see Chorby, Zippy and Siobhan fighting through hordes of Yams and Yams Fans. Hy looks back to the Frog Yams in Chorby's hat then back to Magical Girl Chorby and shakes hys head. Hy says hy should have known it wasn't Chorby who was the Witch of Hearts, and that hy was a fool for the stage play convincing hym otherwise. Hys hunt would continue. Hy retreats to the shadow, and the episode ends with the gang sealing the original Yams into a gachapon capsule, and Siobhan punching it so hard it flies to Seattle. But just when the heroes think they are safe, the googly eyes of Yams Sokol are seen in the Shadows." "The original play version of this episode had Siobhan eating raw (normal) yams. However this was deemed too graphic for a hero to do, so it was removed."
"Calling Your Name ~ Everybody in the Club" "Siobhan is swimming in the pit lake alone. She swims easily through the dimly lit waters, exploring the depths unfettered by Pit Fiends. She suddenly stops and grips her head. Unintelligible whispers play, and as Siobhan snaps out of it she is floating in front of a large stone door. On it, faintly lit by the candles, we can see four symbols located in a diamond pattern. At the top most point, there is a heart. To the right, a club. At the bottom, a spade. And at the left, a diamond. Confused by what has just happened, Siobhan swims away. The following day in the library, Chorby and Zippy are practicing a comedy routine, and when it comes time for Siobhan's part, she is distracted, which causes Chorby and Zippy to be concerned. Siobhan brushes them off, and as soon as her shift is over she leaves to find a book in the library. She begins searching for any hint towards what that door might be, and finds a book with the same symbols upon it. Reading into it, she finds it filled with information on four powerful magical elements. Her focus is drawn to the club that she has come to represent. In contrast to the heart and the spade which are considered ""active"", the club is a reactive magic. Simply put, in situations in which Siobhan needs to stand up for herself, the power grows stronger. Siobhan, however is more frustrated by this revelation as it doesn't explain those voices or the door. This week's monster attack breaks out, and Siobhan arrives on the scene. However Siobhan continues to be distracted, and takes a heavy blow during the fight. Zippy and Chorby rush to Siobhan. Siobhan tries to brush it off like she is fine, but after attempting to stand and failing, Chorby urges her to just tell them what is the matter. Siobhan mentions the door and the whispers and that she is afraid. She has had this sinking feeling ever since that moment that something terrible lies behind that door, something she can't handle alone. But by revealing her weakness and standing up against her own fear of ridicule from Chorby and Zippy, Siobhan's magic activates giving her the burst of strength needed to defeat the monster. We then cut to Siobhan opening up to normal form Chorby and Zippy about the whispers and the door, who pretend to not have already heard it. But they promise they will help, and they will look into it."
"Birds of a Feather ~ Play Sports Together!" "The episode begins mid-battle between Quack and the Pond Squad. Quack, having absorbed the magic from an entire flock of crows is waiting for Spears to hit them with a big surprise papercraft monster. However, after giving Spears the call to send it out, no one comes. Quack turns to look at where Spears is supposed to be before being punched by Siobhan, knocking the magic out of him. Quack retreats, searching for Spears only to find him huddle up by the fence of a nearby house. When Quack tries to get Spears' attention hy hisses at Quack. When Quack tries to yell at him, Spears interrupts him to point at the house's resident, Hades Tiger superstar Walton Sports. Quack asks if Walton is some kind of enemy of hys, but Spears states that hy is just fascinated and enraged by how NORMAL this man is. Quack doesn't follow, but Spears continues observing, pointing out minute details like ""His music tastes are so bland!"" and ""He has exactly one trash beer after dinner on his porch."" Quack tries to snap Spears out of his strange obsession just for Spears to order him to go investigate. Quack tries to refuse, but Spears picks him up and tosses him to a birdfeeder in the backyard. Quack laments for a few seconds before eating some birdseed, which attracts Walton himself. Walton peacefully looks on at Quack, before talking to him. Walton compliments Quack's feathers, healthy bill and winning smile, which shocks Quack into speaking. Walton quickly apologies, having thought Quack was just a normal duck. Walton is not used to birds being people. Quack asks Walton a few questions Spears whispers to him from a bush, but Walton takes it as getting to know each other, to which he starts asking questions back to Quack. When Quack tries to back out, Spears hisses at him again, so he returns to the conversation. Eventually the conversation moves to what Quack does for a living, and Quack talks about his work and coworkers. He starts complaining about how he is annoyed by Chorby. This causes Walton to look very concerned. Walton states that all of the things Chorby seems to do with Quack seem to be very friendly and nice. Quack states that it is probably some kind of ruse as no one is that pure and nice. Walton shakes his head and states that Quack might understand what he means if he just gives Chorby a chance. Quack reflects for a few seconds, thanks Walton for the birdseed, and flies away. Once Quack is out of shot, Walton is seen grabbing a broom and heading for the bush Spears was hiding in. The following day at work, Chorby, Zippy and Siobhan are all chatting when Quack arrives. Quack quells his usual fanclub before heading over to them and making a joke in line with the conversation. Chorby looks incredibly pleased and happy to see Quack participating. Spears walks in, shushing the group, gripping a large bandaid on his head in pain." "The credits for this episode are the longest in the series as Walton Sports is listed as being voiced by every male voice actor in existance."
"Cool Tricks ~ Sick Flips" "It is a strange day for Zippy. As they have been coming to work, everyone just seems... weird. As they ride into town on their skateboard they swore they saw Lancelot Kane kicking over trash cans. Edric Tosser was outside and having a normal day. But the weirdest was getting into work and seeing Siobhan punting people into trash cans. What had gotten INTO everyone? Zippy starts getting to work, when they stumble upon the book they saw Siobhan reading. They go to pick it up to put it back but their hand is stopped by a long tongue lashing it. Before them stands Chorby, cackling maniacally on the desk. She begins taunting Zippy and throwing fireballs at the slow little turtle, who proceeds to skateboard away. Zippy runs into a large monster. The monster is composed of two colors but what two colors constantly changes. Either way the two colors always contrast. The monster spots a patron quietly reading a book and approaches them. When their eyes lock, the monster's colors turn to black and white, then swap to white and black. Suddenly the patron begins ripping up the book and shouting expletives. Zippy proceeds to run from the monster and the encroaching Chorby. All over town people are beginning to act more and more destructive, their eyes either a solid dark or solid white. Everyone Zippy tries to find for help has been turned already, and Zippy becomes more and more panicked when they realize they are all alone. Zippy hides in an abandoned treehouse and cries for a bit, afraid. This is when Zippy's skateboard begins to glow. Zippy realizes that while it might be scary that everyone is against them, their fate lies with Zippy. Zippy transforms, and goes to confront the monster. With the whole town converted save for Zippy, Zippy notices how bright they have become. When the monster arrives and tries to flip Zippy, Zippy glows fiercely and blinds the monster, allowing Zippy to grind on it, cutting it in two. The monster's defeat returns everyone to normal. When Zippy is approached by Siobhan, Zippy wonders where they got that power. Siobhan suggests that if Siobhan's powers get stronger when Siobhan is in danger, perhaps Zippy's powers get stronger when others are in danger? Zippy smiles, having saved the day. They do a kickflip and the episode ends."
"The Flower Husk (Part One)" "Everyone loves Wyatt Pothos. Since her last appearance on the show, Wyatt has been going hiking with Chorby, skating with Zippy, swimming with Siobhan, and even rocking out with Quack. So why on earth would the friendly and outgoing Wyatt Pothos seem so angry about the new face in Breckenridge? A small town isn't used to permanent new residents and Alejandro Leaf sure is a strange one. She is a walking pitcher plant, and she is in town to study the local flora of a constantly snowy Breckenridge. Her dry sense of humor quickly seems to win over the pond squad on a trip to the library, but Pothos keeps being very standoffish to her. Chorby begins to tell Pothos that she isn't being very nice, to which Pothos apologizes and pretends to relax. Later that night, Pothos approaches Alejandro and demands she leaves town. Alejandro taunts Pothos, stating that she would only be the first, and even if she could leave the others will find Breckenridge. It is only a matter of time. Pothos cracks her knuckles and moves to attack Alejandro, but is stopped by Chorby who was walking by. Chorby reprimands Pothos for attacking Alejandro, and breaks off their friendship. Pothos looks incredibly hurt and angry, and just tells Chorby she doesn't understand before running off. Alejandro thanks Chorby and waves to her as she hops away. Alejandro looks up and sees the full moon, the pattern looking strangely like a peanut. Alejandro begins to laugh. Her body is a silhouette as a transformation begins." "When this episode was originally written, Chorby and Spears drew straws as to what PODS member would be the second to show up.

They used a leftover Aubrey II prop from a Little Shop of Horrors show they had done."

"The Flower Husk (Part Two)" "Chaos comes quickly. Large vines appear and crack the town, large half peanut shells hanging from the vines. The peanut shells release a sweet scent into the air that seemed to attract people into them. While different from the Legume, the effect was very much the same. Those that entered would not be seen again. Those who are able to resist the scent begin being attacked by vines. The Pond Squad appear again, attempting to fight off the vines and protect the civilians, but seem unable to make any progress. This is when they are approached by Wyatt Pothos, who seems weary and tired. She informs the Pond Squad that they need to be attacking the heart of the monster, at it is far too powerful for them to cause lasting damage to any other part. The team asks how to find the heart, Pothos states she has a guess at where it could be. She begins to lead them deep into the pit, as the four of them fight off vines and peanut pit fiends. They finally make their way to the source of the vines, and see Alejandro's body hanging from the ceiling. Pothos says that Alejandro is the heart. However their fatigue is running them thin, and the vines are able to regenerate faster than they can shoot, grind on or punch. This is when Quack arrives, apparently on orders from Plot Point to help. Neither of them like it, but Chorby and Quack combine their powers to blast a hole through the vines protecting Alejadnro, cutting her off from the rest of the vines which began to disappear into a black smoke. Alejandro drops to the ground with a thud, laughing as the smoke dissipates revealing the large stone door Siobhan had found a few days prior. She looks to Pothos and states that they have seen the door and it is only a short time until they return. Siobhan is suddenly beset with a strong headache and collapses, as Quack shoots a blast at Alejandro. Alejandro falls to the ground and dissipates into smoke. Chorby and Zippy rush to check on Siobhan as Quack retreats, while Pothos stares at the door. Chorby turns to her and asks why Pothos knew so much about Alejandro. Pothos apologizes and runs away. The camera begins to move through the door, into a room filled with black smoke. The sound effect of whispers has grown to a roar as a cracked peanut shell larger than Breckenridge itself is seen. The whispers all scream and the episode ends." "In an interview, Alejandro Leaf stated that ""Yeah, I get asked about the depiction of me by the Breckenridge Jazz hands. I was a little miffed at first, but you know what? I can act like that sometimes when I get a little hungry.""

This is the end of Season One"