This Is a Tragedy/TRACK-32

From Blaseball Wiki


My neck, my neck is so juicy and tender

my blood is sweet like the finest champagne

it sure would be a shame if some dashing vampire

cornered me after the show and took a little taste

A handsome stranger asked us to write a song

He only would meet with us when it was night

And, unrelated if a vampire wanted to meet me

Backstage after this, that would be alright But

Chorus: This song is not directed at anyone specific

we were commissioned to write this

this song is not directed to the handsome pale gentleman in the front row

we were commissioned to write this

If you think this is a come on you are mistaken

We were commissioned to write this

All of this is metaphors you aren't getting

We were commissioned to Write This

Anyway I think Vampires are pretty neat

I like their cool style and their sharp little teeth

I wouldn’t mind if one turned me to it’s dark ways

And took me under the city to it’s lair beneath

I imagine they’d have piercing red eyes

I imagine they’d dress up too the nines

But I’m just making that up off the top of my head

I’m not thinking of anyone specific when I’m describing this vampire

Chorus: This song is not about anyone we’ve ever met

We were commissioned to write this

Any resemblance to persons living or undead is purely coincidental

We were commissioned to write this

I keep the key to my apartment underneath the rug

We were commissioned to write this

I’ve put a lot of thought into it and I think if push comes to shove I could deal with only drinking blood forever

We were commissioned to write this

This song is direct permission to enter my home

This song is an invitation to enter my home

This song is direct permission to enter my home

This song is an invitations to enter my home

We were commissioned to Write this