Workman Gloom

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Revision as of 02:11, 11 August 2020 by Nesblitt (talk | contribs) (player realignment check)

Workman Gloom is a lineup player for the Charleston Shoe Thieves, and has been playing since Season 1.

Official League Records

During the Season 3, Day 37 game against the Kansas City Breath Mints Gloom's star rating increased from ★★★ to ★★★★ after swallowing a stray peanut and having a yummy reaction.

The remainder of this article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community.

Blaseball Career

Gloom was sweet-talked onto the Thieves by Cornelius Games, who desired his old rival's skill at footwear larceny. After a devastating bureaucracy accident, Games thrust a blaseball rod into their hands and told them to "go get 'em, champ." Sources presume that Gloom is just too polite to mention they have no idea how to use the rod. Since that incident, they have been slugging away out there for the Shoe Thieves, day in, day out.

Personal Life

Gloom specializes in stealing high-top sneakers.

Beasley Gloom, the Shoes' canine pitcher, is Workman's dog. Sources say that Beasley is very happy that they're at all of their games.

During Season 3, Gloom scored a single in a fifteen-inning game against the Tacos, giving the Shoe Thieves an edge and likely preventing a Spillover. When asked for comment, Gloom responded: "What? Hey, I gotta get home so Beasley can get his dinner." Beasley was then fed his standard evening bowl of kibble, with a treat for dessert because he had been such a good boy that day.