Nicholas Mora

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Revision as of 03:42, 10 August 2020 by Cassiterine (talk | contribs)

Nicholas Mora is a pitcher for the Philly Pies. He is considered extremely difficult to coach, as Nicholas only speaks the Latin language, which unfortunately is unknown to all of them. While his teammates find him friendly enough, the language barrier often isolates him, causing him to sit alone in the locker room poring over astronomical maps. It is unknown how Mora is a seemingly native speaker of Latin, a language which has not had native speakers for thousands of years. When asked, he responded, "Cum matre tua heri nocte cenavi, sermone longo et alto fructi sumus." This did not shed any light on his background.

It has been speculated that Nicholas Mora may be related to Hawaii Fridays pitcher James Mora and Chicago Firefighters pitcher Swamuel Mora. Popular theories include that they may all be the same person from different timelines, that they are the three fragmented parts of the long since incinerated blaseballer Mora Prime, or that they are siblings; some outliers potentially link him to the Daedric Prince Hermaeus Mora . None of these theories have been confirmed by Nicholas.