Cornelius Games

From Blaseball Wiki

Revision as of 21:06, 29 July 2020 by Sleepysappho (talk | contribs) (Link)

Cornelius 'Don't Play No' Games is a star pitcher for the Charleston Shoe Thieves. When the Big Games Hunter clambers up on to the mound, Shoe Thieves fans knows that their team is in good hands (claws? cannons?).

Radiocarbon dating indicates that Games was born sometime in the Anteumperial Epoch, and began playing Blaseball soon after. After a successful career in the Underleagues, Games' outstanding pitching performance led to them being called up as a starting pitcher for the Shoe Thieves, where they have continued to maintain one of the lowest ERAs and WHIPs in the league, including pitching an Immaculate Inning against the Hawaii Fridays in Season Two.