Topic on Talk:Malik Destiny

From Blaseball Wiki

Re: @Impern, how does this look for a piece in the article about the Items system becoming an inventory system for Meowlik?

After the Items system was implemented in the Season 15 elections, Destiny joked about it being an “inventory system.” Much to the team’s bemusement, this seemed to affect how the team interacted with their new items, with Destiny himself reporting that he “saw an inventory screen every time he closed his eyes in the locker room.”

Also, @Beowulf, the groundwork for that's already there in the proposed article! Right now the flavor text is:

His world was very similar to the one he found himself in after the Season 4 elections—with the exception that everyone in it was a catperson—so his life took a very similar path to the original Destiny’s up until he tried surfing.

If you have any specific suggestions on how to smoothly add flavor text about video game mechanics being a normalized thing in daily life over there, that would be appreciated! I've been thinking on something along the lines of stores with a built-in HUD system, being able to see people's names above their head in bars or other public places if they let you, and possibly a joke about character creation screens as they relate to being trans, but I'm not entirely sure how to write those in without going off on a Meowlik-unrelated tangent.