Topic on Talk:Terrell Bradley

From Blaseball Wiki

Hi Wiki!!!!! c:

Here's some thoughts about Bradley's time on the Garages, particularly the two times he pitched! This update fleshes him out a bit, making him a bit cocky and self-confident, leading to a fight with Mike Townsend when he's convinced that he could pitch better than Mike. I am trying to lean into his dad-of-the-team nature and emulate the feeling when a parent is disappointed that their kid isn't as talented as they hoped and attempts to improve them in any way possible, including leading by example

Here's the summary!!!

Season 18:

  • Bradley saw Townsend pitching and set out to teach him how to pitch, leading to friction between the two
  • Bradley convinced himself that he could totally be a better pitcher than Townsend.
  • Teammates tried to convince him it was harder than it seemed and to get off Townsend's back, to which he said: "Sure, I was never a pitcher, but I was a catcher, so it's just throwing the ball in the other direction!"
  • Bradley replaced Townsend as a pitcher and discovered he could not do better at it, the two made up after Bradley was faxed back into the shadows with Bradley admitting that pitching isn't easy

Season 19:

  • Bradley heard MaX crave a spicy chicken sandwich in a perfect replica of Connor Haley's voice (reflecting that MaX echoed Connor Haley's red hot that game), and ran onto the field to bring xem one just in time to see Tot Clark get faxed
  • Having learned from Townsend that pitching's about having fun and not about winning, he had a great time in this upside down season, and led the team to their championship loss smiling and laughing
  • Bradley has taken on the task of helping newly shadowed players get used to life without Blaseball and find a niche in the Seattle Shadows co-op


  • Bradley enjoys bowling and collecting patterned button-down shirts
  • Team members like to gift him with World's Best Dad mugs. He's asked for them to stop, as he owns too many, so they gift him with other World's Best mugs instead (World's Best Dentist, World's Best Horse, etc.). He serves drinks at Dad's Grill in them. Mike gave him an ironic World's Best Pitcher mug after he got faxed

Let me know your thoughts!!!!!!!!!