Topic on Talk:Excalibat

From Blaseball Wiki

Below is a proposed page/article that will contain various links to subpages and expand upon the Lovers/San Francisco lore. It has been in the works for MANY seasons but is finally getting added.


Excalibat is a wooden swordbat lodged within a stone that rests within the PolyArmory of the PolyHedron. It is said to be a powerful artifact of yore that has been used many times throughout history to resolve conflict and strife.


The swordbat has an inscription burned into its wood, a series of mystical runes, on both sides. The generally accepted translation of the runes reads as follows: on one side “when the coin is flipped” the other “take me out to the blallgame”. San Francisco historians and Renaissance Fair enthusiasts alike have long argued over which order the inscription is to be read in, while many others in the community have said, “It’s probably not that big of a deal.”Excalibat

The Legend

A prophecy has been handed down amongst San Francisco residents, that when the swordbat is pulled from the stone it will be considered an omen of dark times to come. The one who pulls it shall be the “Chosen One”, someone who knows what it is to be loved by others and themselves. The wielder shall become a beacon of love and hope for others in the coming darkness.

History and Origins

It is unknown where the legendary swordbat originated from or who crafted it. Even the San Francisco Lovers’ very own Batsmith is said to know only rumors and tales. However, the swordbat does have an interesting history in the foundational roots of present day San Francisco.

In the year XX54, Queen King I acquired Excalibat from longtime San Francisco resident, The Lady of the Bay, who was said to have “borrowed” it from the legendary lost island kingdom of Alcatravalon. King I then used Excalibat to unite the various warring Feudal Fairs. King I intended to find Alcatravalon to return the swordbat since it was, “Rude to keep something that you’ve borrowed for too long.” However, King I having just unified the Feudal Fairs, found herself crowned ruler of what had now become The Royal Kingdom of San Francisco. King I sent one of her most trusted knights to return the swordbat, however after multiple attempts trying to locate the lost kingdom, he settled for thrusting it into a stone at the San Francisco Museum of Myths and Legends. This piece of stone, famously known as “The Rock”, is said to have come from the lost kingdom of Alcatravalon’s very own walls. According to this unnamed knight, it was “Close enough, right?”

Sometime around XX89, upon the formation of The San Francisco Lovers and the construction of The Polyhedron stadium, Excalibat and The Rock had appeared within the stadium’s walls in what would soon be known as the PolyArmory. There are no recorded details on HOW it was transported or by whom, it was simply there.