Wyatt Mason (Season 14 birth)/Rumor Registry

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Wyatt Mason (Season 14 birth) has 2 Rumors written about so far.

Wyatt Mason (Season 14 birth)/IF-14.81

Tuning In

A radio transmission is only as powerful as the capabilities of the receiver. A transmitter could be sending out signals for years, but if the technology doesn’t exist to receive the signal, it will fall on uncomprehending ears, and will be as meaningless as if it were never sent at all.

Wyatt "Jas" Mason materialized with the Lift just after Tokyo Lift mechanic Engine Eberhardt finished tuning up the Legscraper’s Psychoacoustics to catch worldwide radio stations for “some sweet practice tunes.” As psychoacoustics switched on in all stadiums, radio receivers started appearing on nearby skyscrapers, and Eberhardt, who had briefly paused on a spotty signal from a college station in Los Angeli just as the Psychoacoustics came online, was taken aback by the sudden materialization of Mason. Self-proclaimed Psychoacoustics expert and radio buff Rylan O’Lantern has theorized that Eberhardt tuning in at just the right time is what led to the Lift being the first to receive a Wyatt Mason, though Eberhardt herself is on record as saying, "Come on, whatever this is, it's bigger than any of us. There's no way a little tuning would have made any bit of difference, I'll use it to play my music if I want."


Many members of the Lift took Mason under their wing, with Wyatt Quitter coming to quickly view her as a little sister and introducing her to all the movies she had missed, and Silvaire Semiquaver lending her old clothes. Some teammates even took it upon themselves to teach Mason an assortment of colorful swears and curses, much to the mounting dismay of then-captain Stijn Strongbody, who went on record as saying that “no REDACTED-year-old should know such foul words.” Mason’s appearance also made a particular impact with then-Lift player Alejandro Leaf, who declared she would “do everything in [her] power to keep [Mason] safe.” In the quiet moments between the first incident of static and the day Mason herself echoed, four days later, Mason and Leaf were observed to spend many quiet evening hours together in the conservatory, talking.

Going Live

Although the preliminary evaluations predicted she would be one of the worst-performing iterations of Wyatt Mason to materialize from the Second Wyatt Masoning, Mason’s short career with the Lift was successful, and she scored her first run in her debut plate appearance.

Outside of blaseball, Mason could be seen skateboarding around Tokyo with Quitter and Grollis Zephyr, playing Neopets in the Legscraper's Serotonin Café, and practicing her favorite splort, kickball, with acquaintances who frequented the Gym. She was known by many for her almost unnervingly plastic personality, perfectly mirroring aspects she appeared to admire from whoever she was around with ease. She seemed to prefer Semiquaver’s warm sternness, Quitter’s rebellious spark, and Leaf’s quiet steadiness and compassion, and by the end of her time with the Lift, she started making these traits uniquely her own.

Lost Signal

On Day 79, Quitter received the Echo modification from Mason, putting them at risk of echoing into static in the same manner as the other Wyatt Masons. If pressed, Mason would admit it was a relief not to have to face the static alone.

The morning of Season 14, Day 81, Mason set her few affairs in order, granting her skateboard to Zephyr, giving her clothes back to Semiquaver, and making a card thanking her teammates for making the Lift feel like home. Whether she predicted her luck with the weather had run out, had a feeling it was her time, or had a mission to fulfill, she echoed into static before ever reaching the plate after only 8 days of active play. Onlookers at the time noted that while Mason was fielding, she took a position close to the opposing team’s Mason while it was at bat. Some have theorized this was a way to protect Quitter from echoing into static, as they were due to bat in the subsequent inning, but if it was a sacrifice, it only bought Quitter 18 days before they echoed into static, as well.

Dead Air

Mason’s disappearance did not come as a surprise to the Lift, but it was some time before they were able to come to terms with a life cut so short, so soon. Having never so much as witnessed an incineration firsthand, much of the team was unprepared for such a swift and brutal reminder of the true stakes of blaseball. When they progressed to the postseason on a wildcard, they did so with both Mason and Quitter in the forefront of their minds, and the Grind Rails they added to the Gym the next season were named the Jasmine Memorial Skate Park in Mason's honor.

Wyatt Mason (Season 14 birth)/IF-1667

The waters beyond this point are uncharted, tales from distant shores echoed back into our reality.


The following accounts can be traced to a single leather-bound journal originally found in a locked wooden chest alongside a sextant-like device of indeterminate origin and a shell that matches no known species of mollusc. The chest was located in a storage room in the Legscraper’s lower levels that was described as “smelling faintly of the sea”. Subsequent attempts to locate and navigate to said room have been unsuccessful thus far. The journal details the exploits of the crew of a large sailing vessel, The Tokyo Adrift, descriptions of which are largely consistent with mid-17th century galleons.

With The Tokyo Adrift

Wyatt Mason joined the crew of The Tokyo Adrift late into their time on the Immateria Seas. She was first heard by navigator Yusef Fenestrate whose crystalline growths were able to pick up her high-frequency calls from leagues away. When the water-dwelling members of the crew were dispatched to investigate, they found Mason trapped in a cavern, sealed shut by fallen debris. An earthquake had destabilised her home and caused a cave-in. The journal entry dated one day prior confirms that the ship had experienced the effects of an earthquake and the subsequent waves formed by the sudden movement of the sea floor. Reverberations from the aftershock likely collapsed the entrance to Mason’s subaquatic home. Over the next day, with great effort from the crew, the boulders were removed and Mason was welcomed into the crew of the Adrift.

Entries regarding Wyatt Mason in the journal are lengthy and oddly personal, lacking the formal register much of the journal employs. The writer describes sharing “an unplaceable feeling of kinship” with the young mermaid. Mason claimed to have come from a large pod of mermaids, with so many siblings their parents had given up on unique names and instead numbered them off, to which the writer responded “of all the Wyatt Masons, she was number one, the first and the utmost”. Subsequent entries refer to Mason with the moniker “One”.

One was described as “affable and infectiously optimistic”, getting along well with the seasoned members of the crew. In particular, she shared a bond with Aly Leaf and Yusef Fenestrate, possibly owing to their shared affinity for the Immateria Seas or the latter pair’s role in orchestrating her rescue from the sunken cave. Boatswain Engine Eberhardt worked with her to develop modifications for the Adrift to amplify and utilise her sonar capabilities for navigation and the location of sunken ships.

Sketches and descriptions of One’s appearance depict her as largely humanoid from the waist up, with the tail of a water-dwelling mammal. Physiological descriptions are similar to that of the modern day Indo-Pacific humpback dolphin, known for its distinctive pink-white colouration.

In the last few pages of the journal, One is shown to have followed Wyatt Quitter after the latter left the ship following a disagreement with the captain. While she attempted to communicate their location to the crew, Fenestrate eventually lost her frequency when the pair swam a great distance away from the ship, though charting their path indicates they were heading towards the Bay of Stasis. The final entry of the journal is illegible. Large portions of the text are REDACTED out and others still are obscured by a noise-like mosaic of black and grey splotches. The REDACTED and the ultimate fate of the Adrift is REDACTED

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