Silvaire Semiquaver/Rumor Registry

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Silvaire Semiquaver has 4 Rumors written about so far.

Silvaire Semiquaver/IF-0.403

Joining the Lift

Silvaire Semiquaver joined the Lift in Season 12, replacing Concrete Mandible. Teammates have differing reports as to the exact date she arrived at the Legscraper; some particularly long-lasting players have even suggested that she has been active on the Lift’s active roster or in the Shadows prior even to Nandy Slumps’ involvement on the team, though this is disputed by Slumps.

With Semiquaver’s arrival on the active roster in the current era, fans and players alike have noticed a marked increase in team spirit and general celebratory atmosphere when she is on the field. Games in which Semiquaver has hit a home run or has pitched a shutout have seen a dramatic increase in sales for concessions and merchandise, despite unofficial popularity rankings rarely placing Semiquaver in the top five members of the team.

Blaseball Career

Silvaire’s batting style could best be described as flashy or stylish, while not particularly remarkable or effective. Her teammates have remarked on her ability to charm fans and others on the field, eliciting excited cheers and good will that seems to last only as long as she is up to bat.

With her move to the pitching rotation in Season 21, her trademark enthusiasm and extravagance has vastly increased. Batters often report that balls thrown by Semiquaver seem to sparkle or glitter in the sun, and her pitching methods have repeatedly come under scrutiny by ILB officials, though no evidence of ball tampering or foul play has ever been found.

Joining the Tacos

To her delight, Semiquaver was selected by Gachapon to come to Los Angeli, seemingly at random and most likely with the odds not influenced in any way. Although she often gets lost in the infinite cities, she is completely fine with that.

The Tacos appreciate the cool aunt energy she brings to practices and the beef wings and protein powder takoyaki that she brings to parties. Yummy Elliott, though often an appreciator of her cooking, has been known to complain that it does not contain enough of somewhat inedible items such as tissue paper, in response to which Semiquaver has started preparing separate special entrees for her containing all the food crimes ze could want.

Semiquaver appears to have some sort of history with Pannonica Oko, having met her a long time ago. The story of exactly how they met varies wildly, but is known to involve a party, a lot of powerful beings in the same room, A Cat, possibly drugs, and at least 23 different endings. Interviews with other teammates suggest that Oko may be intimidated by Semiquaver; Oko denies all such claims and declines to comment.

Semiquaver also gets along very well with Basilio Fig and Peanut Bong, and her glitz and loudness is appreciated by Rat Mason and Lucas Petty.

Personal Life

Silvaire Semiquaver has often claimed blood relations to ancient gods of celebration, love, and the culinary arts; as such, she has drawn repeated criticism from former ace hitter Gerund Pantheocide for her support of such divisive figures. However, reports from other teammates have been more positive, as Semiquaver is known for organizing frequent team celebrations after major victories as well as consolation parties that have often been described as “heartwarming”.

Semiquaver’s clothing aesthetic is described as somewhere between a classical deity and a frat bro, blending the fancy with the flashy. She has sunglasses, and is often floating slightly. Her hair bears an unusual resemblance to cotton candy.

Her brief stint as Beef Wings Chief Culinarian and Recipe Inventor (a position invented by Semiquaver during her time in the Shadows) resulted in the tripling of the length of the active menu, and a 3% increase in sales. Her introduction of unusual flavors such as “A tender hug from a loved one”, “The company of close friends and family”, and “Strawberry grape combo” drew glowing reviews from Beef Wings aficionados, many of whom were unable to deliver their reviews without bursting into tears of joy.

Members of the greater Tokyo and Los Angeli communities know Semiquaver for her line of moderately successful pop-up food tents which are never announced to the public and disappear after one day of operation. Those lucky enough to attend one of these pop-ups have reported increased success in social situations and a seemingly boundless energy for partying that can last up to a month.

After arriving to the Tacos, Semiquaver has begun practicing skamancy (not to be confused with skiamancy). The specifics of skamancy are currently unknown, but it presumably involves trumpets.

Silvaire Semiquaver/IF-1667

The waters beyond this point are uncharted, tales from distant shores echoed back into our reality.


The following accounts can be traced to a single leather-bound journal originally found in a locked wooden chest alongside a sextant-like device of indeterminate origin and a shell that matches no known species of mollusc. The chest was located in a storage room in the Legscraper’s lower levels that was described as “smelling faintly of the sea”. Subsequent attempts to locate and navigate to said room have been unsuccessful thus far. The journal details the exploits of the crew of a large sailing vessel, The Tokyo Adrift, descriptions of which are largely consistent with mid-17th century galleons.

With The Tokyo Adrift

Silvaire Semiquaver served as quartermaster aboard The Tokyo Adrift. The writer describes her as “single-handedly running the lower decks of the ship” and “preferring to keep to the shadows below deck”. One entry delves into Semiquaver’s origins, describing her past experience captaining her own ship before it ran aground in a freak accident, which the quartermaster describes as “a disgrace” and “I’m going to run him through with my cutlass if I ever see him again”. Semiquaver claims to hail from the Port of Tele, though historical records have been unable to confirm the existence of any settlement by that name. The journal retells rumours heard from other crew members that Semiquaver made a name for herself plundering ships for artifacts of great cultural import, only to return them to their rightful owners, though evidence for these claims is difficult to source.

Semiquaver is depicted as being on good terms with most of the crew, though some were intimidated by her. Val Hitherto in particular was mentioned in several entries as "squabbling with the quartermaster over matters of little import".

Semiquaver is described as playing a pivotal role in the events of 1667, personally sustaining [REDACTED] when the captain and first mate [REDACTED] as detailed on the last page of the journal. The aforementioned page is heavily damaged however, with the lower half seemingly soaked in a dark black substance that chemical analysis has yet to match to any ink or pigment from the time period. Thus, the exact details of the 1667 tragedy and Semiquaver’s involvement remain largely speculative.

Silvaire Semiquaver/IF-24.922

Joining the Lift

Silvaire Semiquaver joined the Lift in Season 12 rather suddenly and unexpectedly, dragging Concrete Mandible into the shadows in her place. Vague and frazzled, Semiquaver explained to her new teammates that she had been lost in the depths of the Legscraper’s shadowy labyrinths for so long that she had lost track of her life before, including what era she had come from. The only thing she could say for certain was that she had been employed as some sort of cartographer, and may have initially entered the labyrinths to explore and map them.

After the initial shock of returning to a somewhat stable reality, Semiquaver gained confidence and shook off the vague demeanor she had arrived with. However, she still holds suspicions of things changing when she isn’t looking, and often is seen carrying sketchbooks with which she can document how everything is situated to ensure she will notice if they change.

Blaseball Career

Semiquaver started her career on the Lift as a batter, filling the position vacated by Mandible. She made use of her canny and practical attitude on the field by judging the best openings for stealing bases, so that although she had a mediocre history at bat, she was proficient at running bases when she managed to successfully get on base. After seasons of expressing heavy distaste for batting, she finally put her foot down and refused to bat a single day more. She retreated from active play until she eventually faxed into pitching, where she is skilled at reading the opponents and exploiting their weaknesses.

Joining the Tacos

In Season 23, Semiquaver was randomly selected by the Tacos’ Gachapon blessing and brought to Los Angeli. She expressed clearly visible concern about the instability of the infinite cities, locking herself in her room for the first few weeks and only coming out reluctantly when she faxed in for Rat Mason.

Semiquaver filled up dozens of sketchbooks with observations of the city, but the majority of those observations were quickly rendered inaccurate, sometimes even before she could finish sketching. After a certain point, she slowed down with the sketching and, while still documenting many things that could change around her, stopped trying to keep tabs on the entire city.

An anonymous fan stated in an interview, “she’s charming. WE appreciate her caution and respect for privacy, and hope she might consider US a friend.”

Semiquaver’s cartography experience came in handy in Season 24 when navigating the depth chart, keeping the team on course with a level head and a steady sense of direction.

Personal Life

As one of the more private members of her team, not much is known about Semiquaver’s personal life. During interviews, Semiquaver emits an air described by many to be mildly off-putting. She comes prepared, somehow procuring the reporters’ own agendas for the day so that she can turn questions back on the reporters, expertly diverting attention from herself and noting the responses in her sketchbooks. Viewers often end up knowing more about the reporters and their agencies than they do about the intended subject of the interview, Semiquaver herself. It is still unclear whether she is gathering this information for a purpose or as a distraction.

Fans have been able to glean little of her relations with her teammates. Former teammates Goodwin Morin, Halexandrey Walton, and Steals Mondegreen have all mentioned living with Semiquaver during their respective stays on the Lift, and during games, she can be seen conversing with Cudi Di Batterino and Engine Eberhardt and taunting the Beefwing stand employee. On one notable occurrence in Season 13, Semiquaver and Ayanna Dumpington could be seen holding hands on third base, leading fans to speculate on whether they shared a love life. Both parties refused to comment at the time, and Semiquaver later put out a public statement that fans should really mind their own business.

The Tacos accepted Semiquaver quickly, with some claiming that her friendship with Wyatt "Jasmine" Mason makes them “basically family”. During Mason’s brief stay on the Lift, she had often been seen wearing more feminine-presenting clothing borrowed from Semiquaver. Since joining the Tacos, Semiquaver appears to have befriended Wanda Schenn, the team’s resident astronaut, with the two often seen together around LA. She has also been seen talking frequently with Basilio Fig, and Basilio Mason is a known fan of her sense of style: elegant without losing any freedom of motion. By contrast, she has expressed extreme suspicion of troublemaker and shapeshifter Pannonica Oko.

Silvaire Semiquaver/IF-92.467

Prior to joining the Tokyo Lift, the infamous international art thief Silvaire Semiquaver was wanted in a half dozen countries for theft of various paintings, sculptures, and other historical artifacts, while simultaneously being celebrated in a dozen more for returning said historical artifacts to their country of origin. Authorities are currently asking for assistance in navigating the ILB’s multitude of regulations and loopholes currently preventing Semiquaver’s arrest.

Due to her general secrecy and avoidance of the public eye, a number of fan clubs have sprung up dedicated to tracking and analyzing Semiquaver’s movements and public statements, in hopes of finding her secret identity or predicting her next heist. Although these efforts have never borne fruit, these fans have deduced that Semiquaver is a public figure of some renown. Popular guesses include:

  • Jessica Telephone, batter for the Tokyo Lift
  • Neon, renowned artist and concertmaster for the Tokyo Philharmonic
  • Lady Glagla, Grammly-award-winning pop singer
  • Wayne Bruce, billionaire industrialist
  • Mayumi di Batterino, socialite and mother of Cudi Di Batterino
  • Parker MacMillan II, previous ████████ and ████████

Fans who suggest that Silvaire Semiquaver is actually Tillman Henderson are frequently heckled out of discussions due to the absurdity of this claim.

Semiquaver is also an open practitioner of skiamancy (magic involving the manipulation of shadows), as she is often seen teleporting through the shadows of the Legscraper and creating constructs from liquid shadow. It is unknown whether her hair, which fans have suggested resembles a shadowy lava lamp, is a result of her dabbling in dark magic.

Joining the Tacos

In Season 23, Semiquaver was randomly selected by the Tacos’ Gachapon blessing and sent to Los Angeli. While she initially expressed dislike for being in a new place for the first time (having never previously lived outside of Tokyo), she soon became interested in the interactions between her skiamancy and Los Angeli’s “weirdness”. Most shadowed players for the Tacos inhabit fairly normal environments, but Semiquaver was able to gain access to a dimension adjacent to the immaterial plane, an even more shattered and distorted dimension of darkness. Since then, she has additionally been seen creating temporary shadow clones of herself. When reached for comment, fellow shadowed player Wyatt Dovenpart mumbled something about not trusting them but also about Naruto, and then left the room.

Semiquaver has prior experience with non-euclidean physics-defying spaces, and her teleportation is always capable of taking her back to her home dimension. However, it is slightly less accurate than in Tokyo, as Los Angeli is unfamiliar with her. For unclear reasons, it seems to have become slightly more helpful as time goes on. Knife Angeles in particular seems to like her.

Semiquaver was pulled into active play midway through Season 24, with the Tacos already starting en route to the Desert. She brought a certain level of cool aunt energy and a knife to practices, and after many requests, taught all her teammates basic sword fighting.

Team Relations

While she is frequently described as standoffish or occasionally rude by the majority of her teammates, interviews with other members of the Lift suggest that she has formed close personal relationships with the now-legendary Goodwin Morin (her former roommate), Val Hitherto (her rival), Cudi Di Batterino (relationship currently unknown, speculated to be a close friendship), and Steals Mondegreen (partners in crime, rumored to be dating).

The Tacos were quick to accept Semiquaver as much as possible, partially due to facing the Black Hole(Black Hole) together, and partially because of her friendship with former Taco Wyatt Quitter and not-quite-former-Taco Wyatt "Jasmine" Mason, with some Tacos claiming that friendship makes them “basically family”. During her brief stay on the Lift, Mason had often been seen wearing more feminine-presenting, elegant-yet-practical clothing borrowed from Semiquaver.

Semiquaver appears to have bonded quickly with Pannonica Oko and Basilio Mason over being the most high-fashion and fancy of the Tacos, taking it one step further with Oko by starting a friendly rivalry. This was possibly aided in Oko’s case by both being musically inclined and theft-inclined, and in Mason’s case by Semiquaver having heard a lot about him from his former teammates on the Lift and by them both being dramatic and tired. It is rumored that she also formed friendships with Peanut Bong (who helps with her heists), Sexton Wheerer (who reminds her to take breaks, having seen how many hobbies she has), Yummy Elliott (who began practicing zir somewhat neglected psychic powers again after Semiquaver’s arrival), and Felix Garbage.

Interviews suggest she has yet to fully warm up to several of the more quiet players on the Tacos.

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