Kennedy Loser/IF-65.408/Terry

From Blaseball Wiki
Records of Kennedy Loser's ex-husband have varied dramatically along the timestream. These are simply the ones we could document.

Territory Loser. Terry is not a person, but rather a place; a demesne that spans roughly the area of Highlandtown and Patterson Park. It is unconfirmed if Terry is a spirit who haunts the expanse of a Baltimore neighborhood rather than passing on, or if they are a manifestation of the neighborhood's gestalt. They take on many shapes, whether they show themselves a figure elfin and moonlit, a rowhouse that wasn't there before, or a gentle half-drowned song wafting from a pothole. But wherever they may show themselves, they are everywhere in the neighborhood, they are the neighborhood.

Terry emerged sometime in the vacuum of influence that followed the Olde One's death, where she'd have likely squashed any emerging being encroaching on the greater Chesapeake domain. Kennedy was sent in to check in on the neighborhood and ensure that Terry's presence and influence continued on the terms of the people living there, rather than the other way around, and helped establish means of communication between the neighborhood and the neighborhood, and established the usual checks and balances put in place within the city. He would regularly perform check-ins on the neighborhood, and walked with Terry through the wooded parts of the park for a long time discussing how to best ensure that things are copacetic and everyone, Terry included, is cared for.

Over time, those walks got longer, and once things were settled down in Highlandtown, the walks continued. It seemed like one thing led to another.

Termite Loser. bugy c:

Terraformer Loser. A theoretical climatologist by trade, Terry's career was hit pretty hard by the death of the Olde One, as carcinization makes it far simpler to change the people to suit the environment than vice versa. He consults part-time for the Crabitat's numerous ever-stalled construction and infrastructure operations regarding maintaining air quality and ventilation in the infinite indoor expanse of God's corpse, but has largely taken a role of househusband, working on personal projects and hobbies to pass the time.

Terry bears no resemblance whatsoever to Steve Minecraft. Terry's fashion choices bear no resemblance to Steve Minecraft's signiature drip. Terry's propensity to act out his namesake in a cubic fashion bears no resemblance to Steve Minecraft's similar behaviors. Do not seek out photographs of Terry to confirm or deny any resemblance to Steve Minecraft. Do not seek out evidence via microfiche or FOIA pertaining to Kennedy's relatives from more than █ years ago to confirm or deny any resemblance to Steve Minecraft. Under no circumstances should you try to mention mining, digging, excavating, exhuming, unearthing, or spelunking in the presence of Terry to try to suss out a reaction that would confirm or deny any resemblance to Steve Minecraft.

Terminus Loser. Nobody has any idea how it came to be, but Kennedy is husbands with the end of everything. It isn't a god, sure, or there'd be hands, but it's a spirit or an aspect or a manifestation and it kinda freaks everyone out that this is a thing? When they kiss, it's like Kennedy is embracing a spiraling tower of dust. It entropied the living room couch. They're really cute together we can all admit but it's just hard to have a conversation with it.

Ever since they started dating, any deck of cards Kennedy possesses gradually become only the Tower.

Terror Loser. None of the other Crabs have ever met Terry, but know him only by the wake of despair that marks his passing. Terry's influence spanned the western shores of central Chesapeake, and prior to his marriage with Kennedy, the governor of Maryland had placed Calvert County under a state of emergency. After several failed (reporters have gone as far as to say 'bungled,' even) extraction and evacuation attempts on the populace, the state had begun deliberations to designate the entire region as Lost/Uninhabited despite still being populated.

The Baltimore Crabs team captains were contracted to settle the affair, and while defending against tangible unidentified threats was familiar ground for Forrest Best and Brock Forbes, Terry was one of the only targets known to have eluded them on record. When it was clear that they'd need all hands on deck here, Kennedy got directly involved with the operation. The events that follow have not been debriefed, reported, nor witnessed, but soon after, the hold over Calvert County had been lifted, science teams have determined the region safe, and life returned to normal. Kennedy and Terry were wed, with █████ ████████ as witness, the court records were immediately sealed.

Baltimore tabloid Softshell Hardball managed to wring out a brief interview with Kennedy some years later to shed light on his and Terry's private life. Kennedy, well trained in PR, kept a cool head as he deftly dodged muck with a smile, until the reporter insinuated that his marriage might have been a political arrangement to pacify Terry's reign. Soured, he vehemently denied it as such, assured the press that he and Terror are in deeply love and kiss, like, a lot, and refused to answer any further questions.

When Terry is home with Kennedy is the only time that his door has been confirmed to be locked. Most days, though, Terry still roams the coasts, but eyewitness reports have dropped to acceptable levels so he is no longer considered a credible threat. He doesn't target populated areas or livestock anymore, but he's definitely still out there. He's definitely still hungry.

Steve Minecraft. That's right, it's canon. Kennedy Loser and Steve Minecraft are husbands and they love each other very much.

Tree Loser, despite his actual name being shorter than his nickname. He's just a tree (Eastern Red Cedar, to be precise). Kennedy regularly has his lunch under Terry's shade, and regularly says the same three awful jokes in his presence ("I've fallen for you," "If you say that again I'm leafing you," and "Cedar? I hardly know him!" Seriously he says one of these every conversation they have and he cracks himself up just as hard every time). Terry is apparently a distant cousin of Forrest Best, but tends to behave far more treefully than the notorious cryptid.

Nissan Xterra Loser. In interviews, they explained, "When I was going in for my name change, I didn't know what to go with so I picked out the first thing that I saw." Court records state that the judge suggested they take some more time for deeper consideration, to which they responded "Screw you," and proceeded to punch the district judge in the mouth. Ever since then, they stuck with the name as an act of spite against the legal system and its expectations of normativity. They are a modestly successful tattoo artist and engraver who specializes in working over carcinized skin and shell.

Supposedly the two of them met at a riot, but it wasn't a particularly cordial first impression. Kennedy was performing street medic duties (because of course he does) when Terry got in a heated argument with him about whether the water-antacid solution works against pepper spray or if it's a myth and regular saline is preferable, all while writhing on the asphalt. When they met again on a proper date (at the insistence of a mutual friend), they eventually recognized each other from that time and it was really embarrassing.

Pterodactyl Loser. Originally hailing from Chicago, where he is from, Terry met Ken early into the ILB, and the Crabs were still a pretty awful team. The two of them hit it off pretty quick once Kennedy finally got help with setting up a dating profile. The crabs only knew him as "the hot guy from the stands" for the longest time. When Kennedy received the Falling Stars blessing, he put the star in a tiny jar and gave it to Terry, who wears it as a pendant. The two of them take very good care of it until it grows big and healthy enough to go back to the sky.

Terraria Loser. Shortly after their marriage, rumors were abound that Kennedy had discreetly betrothed to social media and business mogul Steve Minecraft. In an interview on the Isopodcast, Kennedy revealed that he had in fact wed Steve's competitor, the guide from Terraria. The two of them live happily in their wood rectangle house and hold hands all the time.

Tarragon Loser. Despite the name, Terry is banned from the kitchen, because even trying to make toast becomes a violent affair for them.

Teraflop Loser. The two of them met online (on Luis Acevedo's SMP server), and as is reported to the public, they have maintained a long-distance relationship throughout. However, privately, Terry is a software entity who lives in the phone lines. The two of them chat late into the night most days and work together managing the team's PR.

Terry has gotten in countless flame wars on Kennedy's behalf behind his back, but unbeknownst to him, the vast majority of the trolls are sockpuppet accounts of Yusef Puddles.

Finn James. Maybe Kennedy met Terry before he met Finn, maybe after he thought she died. Maybe they were meant for each other and knew that not even the veil of death would hold them apart. Maybe they stayed together, alone, all this time. They're husbians with each other.

Tarot Loser. When Ken and Terry first met, Kennedy was still a novice at divination. Supposedly, Terry taught him everything he knew, and gifted him his second and now only deck. Supposedly, thinking of Terry was the only time Ken would ever not draw the Tower. The two had been inseparable for years.

At some point, Terry had fallen gravely ill, and was deteriorating faster than carcinization could allow him to recover. Kennedy stayed by his side for days, sleeping in place. One night, disappointed by the outlook of his cards again, Kennedy threw the deck towards the wall, cards aflutter in every which way, and slept with his head in his hands. When he awoke, his husband was nowhere to be found, the deck neatly stacked before him.

Only his closest friends know for certain if Terry is really in there, a soul suffused in seventy eight slivers by the grace of the Olde One. Perhaps the ritual of drawing a hand at every opportunity makes him feel close. Perhaps. Either way, the deck is likely Kennedy's most prized possession, and he consults it at every opportunity, earning 'tarot' as his officially reported pre-game ritual. He still draws the Tower every time, but not when he thinks of him.

Teraphim Loser. Terry was in the direct employ of the Olde One prior to the day of reckoning. Listless and indescribable in the wake of her death, they wore their regret and blasphemy both, like a security blanket, and lashed out at the city for years. Kennedy met them when he was volunteering at his synagogue's drop-in, seeing them draw a tarot spread once they were settled in with a hot meal. The two of them got to talking. It wasn't a fast friendship, as a member of the Crabs, Kennedy was held to a certain image in Terry's mind that called back to that violent day, and some wounds hadn't yet healed.

The pair crossed paths a number of times after that, but as adversaries. Two wandering souls rebelling against one another just to rebel. They fought for years, undermining and one-upping the other, getting the drop on each other by way of divination. They left chaos and carnage whenever they met, and from that chaos they formed a communiqué, and from that there formed rapport. And as their relationship escalated, so too did the maelstrom of violence that surrounded it.

At some point, something snapped for them. They met, for the second time ever, quietly. And they sat on the docks overlooking the Bay, and they asked each other where all of this is heading. They talked all night, and Terry crashed on Kennedy's couch after, and somehow, it just...stuck.

Afterwards, both of them noticeably mellowed out. Ken in particular had been holding on to the hurt he felt at losing Finn James during the reckoning, and together with Terry they learned to mend each other's wounds, and then their own.

Terry apparently was close friends with Baldwin Breadwinner, but never talked about them with Ken. Supposedly they met in circles of darker esotericism than the practices they shared with their husband. This was all only discovered during the time of ascension, when the two of them would share stories of their antics.

Tertiary Loser. Supposedly, Kennedy's backup backup husband. There has been no indication that Kennedy has ever been married prior, nor that anything might have happened to those non-existant husbands that would prompt a replacement.