
From Blaseball Wiki

C.O.R.N.E.R.S. stands for Couriers On Route, Non-Euclidian Receivers and Scouts. Like all organizations in the Core, it is more of a loose group united by a shared goal than a strict or hierarchical structure.

Main Themes

CORNERS functions as the primary mail service in the Core. Years of optimizing and mapping the patterns of the terrain, particularly the parts which stretch or distort space, means expert CORNERS deliverypeople are some of the few people who can reach the distant, weird sections of the Core. Knowledge of shortcuts, such as that if you ask for infinite shrimp from Core Red Lobster you’ll end up in the home city of the Atlantis Georgias whether intentionally or not, are passed down as stories through generations of deliverypeople seeking faster and better routes.

The Maintenance Closet Network

This section is written in character.

The Maintenance Closet Network (MCN) is one of the most important discoveries of CORNERS deliverypeople, though it was discovered fairly recently, only REDACTED years before Ascension. All maintenance closets in the Core are connected, and it is always possible to step into one maintenance closet and step out from a different one. However, given the ever-growing number of maintenance closets, ending up precisely where you want to go is an intricate art form, and what this section of the Manual aims to teach you.

The most important part of using the MCN is knowing that it exists. You must be firmly convinced that you can and will exit at a different location than you entered. As you can guess, this aspect of the MCN is why it took us so long to discover it.

Once you are entirely certain that you will move to a different place, the next step is to choose the closet you are entering and the closet you are exiting. Usually, the closet you are entering is easy - the closest one to you. If you find yourself in a rare section of the Core with few maintenance closets, try going down. It’s also usually difficult to accidentally enter the wrong maintenance closet, though it has been known to occur and typically results in a D.O.W.N. rescue mission.

Choosing the closet you are exiting is a harder challenge. The easiest closet to reach is one that you remember, followed closely by a closet that someone told you a story about. The closer your relationship with the storyteller, the better the memory will direct the MCN. The correlation between personal connection and the strength of your MCN travel is unexplained, but proven to work. With a strong enough relationship, CORNERS deliverypeople can theoretically create maintenance closets that did not previously exist. Theoretically.

Finally, you need your favorite tool or your duck. This is rarely an issue since you should be carrying it anyway. However, in the occasional instance when you are not, do not use the MCN. We’re still not sure what happens, but the prevailing theory among UP researchers is that the tool provides a grounding and a downwards force, without which you may end up disintegrated, or even worse, up.

When you are equipped with the conviction that the MCN works, your entry closet, the story of your exit closet, and your favorite tool and/or duck, it’s time to go. Walk into the maintenance closet. Trust. Remember. And open the door.

Relationships with Other Organizations

Overall, CORNERS retains a strong relationship with other organizations in the Core, mainly because everyone needs mail.

Notably, F.R.O.N.T. (Field Research of Native Terrain) and CORNERS collaborative exploration efforts have located and roughly mapped wide swathes of Down. Almost all widely-used transportation pathways around the Core originated as a CORNERS shortcut or a FRONT discovery.

U.P. (Unexplained Phenomena) have spent countless whitepapers, studies, and interviews trying to understand the Maintenance Closet Network.

D.O.W.N. (Department Of Workplace Non-Injury) occasionally has to step in when a CORNERS deliveryperson gets too enthusiastic about bending spacetime.