
From Blaseball Wiki

Unfire is a natural phenomenon involving uncombustion. While similar to fire, fire burns things, while unfire unburns things.

Unfires often eject whole unburned objects at high speed, a property that makes them extremely dangerous yet valuable. Buildings that unburn down can leave them intersecting like glitched geometry with newly unsmoldering walls and houses.

For these reasons, Unfire can be extremely dangerous if it unburns the right things. Unfirefighters require special equipment such as gasoline and matches to combat out of control unfires. "Unfire hazard" labels can often be seen throughout the Core.

Unfires were responsible for the great hosefire of '78. Within a year unburners were found in every home in the Core; if someone found their food cooked more than they liked it, they could unburn it and make it a bit more rare.

Unfire is considered extremely hazardous by D.O.W.N and proper safety is advised.

Unfire does not fix incineration. Probably. We don't really want to find out.