
From Blaseball Wiki

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An early experiment in autonomous habitation extension systems, the Omni-Railer is a good example of the present distaste for "set it and forget it" design solutions among Mech engineers. Intended to venture out into less-settled areas of the Core as frontier scouts augmenting CENTER expiditions, tnothese quadrupedal armatures use a variety of scanners and onboard fabrication modules to assess environments for accessibility modification and deploy needed safety measures, sourcing materials in-situ as needed. Sounds good on the tin, were it not for two key design oversights: excessively permissive heuristics for deciding when to self-deploy, and an onboard ability to reinforce in the field should project scope require additional armatures for timely completion.


In layman's terms, Omnirailers are draft horse sized autonomous bots which put safety railings on everything. Everything. Worse, they will consume material from their surroundings to manufacture railings, recognize the resulting pit from materials excavation as a zone requiring a railing, and enter into a positive feedback loop which, if unchecked, will generate herds of 'Railers diligently digging pits into the landscape and cordoning them off ad-infinitum.


While not typically dangerous ('Railers are quite slow) this represents an inconvenient waste of resources at best and a potential infinity at worst. CENTER teams frequently track Railer activity and alert RIGHT to their location for future reprogramming or decommission.


FRONT Missive: Majestic in a way, and not especially dangerous unless they happen to start reconfiguring a shelter you're using. CORNERs even claim to have found useful routes following their trails. However, we've seen some evidence of long-run herds beginning to diverge from original parameters after sufficient iterations. Keep an eye on that, efficiency gains could be a real problem if left unchecked.