Francisco Preston/IF-88.615

From Blaseball Wiki
Rumor / Community Lore
This article contains lore created collaboratively by the Blaseball community. It is just one of many Rumors that we've found in the Interdimensional Rumor Mill. You can find more Rumors about Francisco Preston at their Rumor Registry.

An Inspiration

Francisco Preston is a middle aged man, currently playing for the Yellowstone Magics. He uses the He/Him pronouns and is the advisor for teen mental health and acceptance for the National Park Services. Preston is also seen as a camp counselor by any spell scouts inhabiting lodging in the park. He's commonly refered to as "Dad" by his fans, due to his tenderhearted personality. Backing this name, Preston gives a 20$ bill to every player on their birthday. He wears work boots at all times, but breaks out his "Specialty" work cleats during games and scrimmages.

During the ParkPark Cleanup initiative Preston cleaned the entirety of mammoth hot springs alongside Bevan Wise, and the two have since become close friends. He describes a sense of pride in being called dad by fans, as he prefers it to his prior familial name. His fans give him a sense of pride, knowing that his influence on the fans is inspiring acceptance.

In the end of post-season 6, Preston helped hold open one side of the 'portal,' the other side held open by Mike Townsend of the Seattle garages. Together they resurrect Jaylen Hotdogfingers, With Mike Townsend taking her place. Preston states "I'm proud of that boy. If I see him again me and em are gonna take a day off alright? And if you see Jaylen, tell her I owe her a few twenties."

Ever since his introduction in season two, Francisco Preston was the Magics star batter lasting until s7. After this new player Annie Roland managed to siphon a full star in their already proficient batting, increasing their batting stars from 3 - 4, surpassing Preston's 3 after suffering an allergic reaction in the same season, reducing his stars considerably.

To comment on this, Preston said "Always had allergies, always will. Can't let this stop me or I wouldn't be a good role model for all the little peanuts at home."