Topic on Talk:Teams

From Blaseball Wiki

standardizing new rosters

Moondragon (talkcontribs)

hi i didn't know where else to put this and i have no idea if it's gonna get seen, oh well anyway i think we should come up with a standard format for the post-fall ball rosters as they're displayed on the pages. specifically i'm thinking of the portrayal of players who fell to teams while games were in session. some of the teams have those players spoilered and put on the lineup, some of them have them spoilered and put in the shadows, and some of them don't have any players except the ones visible on site, and those ones have differing text in the shadows box. it would be nice to come up with one standard! for example: when i was doing my edits, i decided to steer on the safe side fk wise and just only put the players visible on the site, putting "shadows are unknown or unavailable" in the shadows box. idk if this is what the standard should be, but uhhh. just putting that out there i guess!

KCToxic (talkcontribs)

I think a standard is useful. I think the team pages should switch to using RosterDisplay's manual fields, just to make it easier to edit once automation returns. Eventually. Dev API when, TGB?

With the blessing that affects the shadows, I am hoping we get more official information on what is going on with that function. For now it seems like they are intentionally hidden, since teams that have them according to FK can't see them either, so perhaps "Shadows are currently hidden" could work?

I've personally been swinging towards having spoiled FK just for recordkeeping ease later, but if it's better to keep that off the team pages, that also works. Perhaps hosting that information flagged as FK on the Season 1 page could be a solution? Keeps the team pages more consistent and may lead to less editing later if it turns out a fallen player is somewhere else when we come back next season.

KCToxic (talkcontribs)

Important update: Shadows are now visible to teams that have them on the website (at the very least collision victims are there). Therefore perhaps we can instead go for something like "The Shadows are currently empty or unavailable" for teams without?

Moondragon (talkcontribs)

I like "The Shadows are currently empty or unavailable" as a placeholder! Having the collision victims visible on the site is good: I can go through and add those ones in without spoilers, at least.

Pokeylope (talkcontribs)

I added {{NewRosterDisplay}} which pulls from the new API. It doesn't display buried players but works otherwise.

KCToxic (talkcontribs)

Is it possible to have the new roster display order players by their orderIndex field? For some reason both the frontend and backend list every team in their Fall Ball order instead of the batting/pitching order determined by their index number.

Pokeylope (talkcontribs)

Yes, but not trivially. The External Data parser functions don't support sorting, so I'd have to move it into Lua. I'll take a look at doing that at some point.